Mar 19, 2023Liked by Yosola

This is very good.

It's easy to criticise someone when you don't have all the information that they have...

The right thing to do is all about perspective.

Ps: The chemistry and banter in Suits is just too good for someone not to like the show.

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I think you’re absolutely spot on. Leadership, and by extension, people management usually boils down to making those tough calls.

Plus, it’s pretty weird how a single wrong call can essentially tarnish an “immaculate” record.

The highs and lows of being a high-achiever/leader lol.

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This is one of the biggest points I try to teach and understand. Leaders see alot and making decisions can be paralyzing. So I say, instead of complaining and criticizing, join hands with your leaders and take responsibility of as much of the task as you can. That way we build competence and when we get there, we'd make the difference we always wanted to

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